Sunglasses style in many movies leave a good name to posterity as movies do, The final reason is that these actors made fully used of reading glasses to explain their own roles character and destiny. Somehow the sunglasses become a part of them and an unforgettable mark.

The retro red edge sunglasses for women: Lolita The fourteen year old girl thirsts for becoming mature and sexy. Lolita learns to through the stylish sunglasses to stare at men, laughing in demagogic eyes, She learns to be in 20 women's clothes and shoes to show sexy, But what makes a man restless is her 14-year-old girl's childlike youth.

Black sunglasses only to make cool - Matrix. Whoever is going to imitate The Matrix, so long as he/she wears this black eyeglasses frames, he will be as same as The Matrix to 70 percentages extend. If he does not wear the black sunglasses, even if he has all other copies, he would lose at the strating point. Unless he has such eyes as Keanu Reaves.

High-tech marginal-product: The Terminator 3 Science fiction films should be cool, so when the eyes cannot make them cool, they are hidden behind the sunglasses. The black clothes, black glasses frames and black poster are absolutely the greatest stereotypes in sci-fi movies.

A door for killer: The Godfather The reason why the Godfather is so classic is that they kill people but they are not apathetic. They tell the philosophies of life lively. You can see the pain and sorrow behind the killer's back.