With the popularization of computers, there are more and more computer-relative eye diseases. Many of those working in front of computers always have dry eyes and dim sight. The common cheap eyeglasses symptoms of dry eyes are eye dry and having the sense of foreign body. The other symptoms include burning sense, itching, photophobia, red pain, blurred vision, easy to be in fatigue, and there is the sticky silk secretion and oth The best way to avoid dry eyes is to pay attention to eyes moisturizer. Work for 1 hour to rest 5 to 10 minutes in the front of computer, look into the distance, so that the eyes can relax.

Blinking should be made often in order to reduce the time of eye exposure to the air, so as to avoid the tear evaporation. The neck and shoulder muscles should be exercised when at rest. Because tetanic neck muscle can also affect the vision; Ensure that sleep enough, do not sit up late,drink more water,eat a variety of fruits, fresh vegetables,fish,eggs and so on. In addition, you can also mix equivalent Adenophora, Ophiopogon japonicus, chrysanthemum, habitat and grass Cassia, take 10 grams for each time, and brewed with boiling water instead of tea, which can effectively avoid dry eyes and prevent the occurrence To effectively prevent dry eyes, the best approach is to develop the habit of winking more times. Professionals think that the dry eye is a kind of pressure-type disease, and the problem lies in staring in one direction for a long time.

Therefore, the best way to avoid eyes fatigue is to rest appropriately, avoid continuous operation. If you wear bifocals , it's important to have a suitable pair of glasses. For people over 40 years of age it’s best to use dual-focus lens, or when typing, wear glasses of lower degrees. In addition, it is vital for working pose and distance. Keep a distance of more than 60 cm as possible and adjust to the most suitable position so that the vision down could make a angle about 30 degree. Such a perspective can make the neck muscles relax, and make the area of eye's surface exposed to the air be to a minimum.

People who are working before computers for a long time should eat more fresh vegetables and fruits and increase the intake of Vitamin A, B1, C and E.

  • To prevent corneal dryness, eye dryness, decreased visual acuity, or even night blindness, etc., computer operators should eat foods rich in vitamin A. The vitamin C could effectively inhibit oxidation. Major roles of vitamin E are: lowers cholesterol, cleans body waste, and prevents cataracts. Walnuts and peanuts are rich in vitamin E.
  • Vitamin B1 sunglasses is neurotrophic and vegetables with green leaves contain large quantities of the vitamin B1. Drink an appropriate amount of green tea every day because the LPS in tea can improve body's hematopoietic function and tea has the funct

In order to avoid screen reflection or blurring, the computer should not be placed on the opposite side or against the window, and the ambient lighting should be soft. If there is window behind you, you could pull the curtain to avoid the light directly shining on the screen, the reflection of which would cause eyes tiredness. Usually, blink less than five times every minute will make your eyes dry for the people on average. Blink of a person in front of computer just one third as many times as usual, so in eyes socket the production of emolient and enzyme for eyes are reduced.